GIR group plants use at their production unique moldable clays and kaolins that gives the possibility to produce refractories with increased content of aluminum oxide (32 to 72%), with high mechanical strength and fusion temperature, which in combination with the high quality refractories in other elements of laying will promote increase of revolving furnaces service life.

The range of the produced and supplied by GIR products allow to ensure the campaign duration 7-10 years, to maintain the temperature within the operating range 1550-1600°С, to minimize heat loss into environment.

For certain types of firing or baking, there are used tunnel and chamber gas and electrical furnaces. Essential factor, influencing on operating capability of furnace and its service life is the correct choice of the furnace materials.
Application of refractories and refractory lightweight brick, produced by the enterprises of the group of companies GIR, for production of multilayer lining, able to accumulate heat and, as a result, allowing consumption of the reduced quantity of total heat for quick furnace heating, makes the furnaces more efficient.

At not high-volume output, there are used electrical and gas chamber furnaces, bell-type high-temperature furnaces. For such furnaces lining, the GIR Group enterprises may offer refractory brick that forms in combination with fibrous material insulation the multilayer highly effective lining, ensuring reduction of time and heat expenditures fir furnace heating.

Application of multilayer insulation in gas tunnel furnaces with usage of refractory lightweight brick gives the possibility to increase efficiency of the furnace along with reduction of gas consumption for furnace heating.