SPECIFICATION 1569-031-11703779-2003


Alumina products on phosphate bond fall into shaped objects. They are produced according to the customer drawings. They are applied by different industry sectors, where there are used the heat aggregates with temperature 1750°С for protection of furnace from impact of metals, drosses and chemical reagents
Parameter descriptionValue
Refractoriness valuefire resistance (1580 to 1770°С)
scope of applicationfor protection of furnaces with temperature 1750°С from aggressive impact of melted metal, arch laying.
Reference document for product propertiesAlumina refractories
Specification 1569-031-11703779-2003
Reference documents for product dimensionsRefractories of general purpose according to GOST 8691-73
Parameter descriptionValue
Al2O3, %95
Compression ultimate strength, N/mm2, not less than105
Fe2O3, %0,5
Interconnected porosity, %, not more than16
Р2О3, % not less than2
FormArticle No.Additional informationPhoto
edge double-sided feather-edged brickNo.44mark-143-conf-254-small.jpg
straight brickNo.5mark-143-conf-261-small.jpg
skew brickNo.68also used for laying of archesmark-143-conf-264-small.jpg
FormArticle No.Dimension, mmDrawing
edge double-sided feather-edged brickNo.44
straight brickNo.5straight brick
skew brickNo.68skew brick